Loyal Dog Takes Care Of Owner Who Passed Out In Snow For 20 Hours

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This story is another reason why dogs are man’s best friend.

Meet Kelsey


Kelsey is the Golden Retriever who just helped save his owner’s life.

A New Year’s Eve Incident


It was New Year’s Eve in Michigan when Bob, Kelsey’s owner, went out to get another log for his fire.

Slippery Snow


Bob slipped on the snow and broke his neck, causing him to fall on the snowy ground.

Only Kelsey Was There


Bob tried to call for help but it was only his dog who was there with him during his 20-hour demise on the ground with his neck and back severely injured until he passed out.

On The Following Day

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Kelsey kept Bob warm and alive for 20 hours until a fellow resident noticed him lying unconscious on the ground the following day.

His Diagnosis

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After being rushed to the hospital, Bob was diagnosed as hypothermic and had herniated discs in his neck and back causing paralysis in his legs.

Thanks To Kelsey


Both doctors and Bob commended Kelsey for doing such a great job in keeping Bob warm and alive during his 20-hour ordeal.

The Most Faithful Friend

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People on the internet have been “virtually petting” the good boy for his heroic deed.

See Kelsey’s story of loyalty to his owner, Bob, in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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