Mischievous Brother Makes 20-Year-Overdue Confession During Best Man Speech

A groom’s best man is, cliche as it may be, someone who has supported him through good times and bad. He’s the person who knows him and everything about his life.

Good Times

There are times when a groom chooses his brother to be his best man. However, as loving as a brother could be, they could also be the last person you’d want to hold the microphone on your wedding day because no one knows what embarrassing story they can tell.

A Unique Speech

While some wedding speeches are about memorable stories coming from friends and families of the newlywed couple, this one is remarkably different as it’s about an untold story from the groom’s brother/best man from 20 years back.

Let’s Play Paintball

The best man’s speech started with a recollection of how, years ago, his older brothers, Dave and Mark, went for a game of paintball at the neighboring house. He was just eight years old at the time and he had always been interested in paintball and eagerly wanted to join them.

Can I Join?

When Mark visited their home, he told them he wanted to join but his request was denied. He said, “But like any other little brother, I ran upstairs; I got my stuff anyway, and I was going to follow them whether they liked it or not.”

But They Were Gone

Unfortunately, when he was all ready with all his gear, his older brothers had already left. He was utterly upset because he was denied a chance to play so he decided to get back at them and picked up a couple of paintballs Mark left behind.

It’s Starting To Sink In

During his speech, when they were already realizing where this was leading, his older brothers and everyone in the room were all shocked.

Yeah, He Did It

He continued telling how he had mischievously hurled Mark’s paintballs against the house next door. He said, “So, Dave assured the neighbors and our parents that it couldn’t have been him, or it couldn’t have been Mark because their paintball is not that color.”

Cleaning Up His Mess

The neighbors and parents didn’t buy Dave’s excuses and explanations and consequently, the older brothers were instructed to clean up the mess.

He’s The Winner

The younger brother (the best man giving the speech) chose to keep quiet that day and decided to watch TV while his brothers were cleaning next door. As he ended his speech, he said, “So, I bring this up 20 years later as a wedding gift to him for closure, that I am the one that threw those paintballs. So thank you for letting me watch TV that night.”

Watch this best man’s hilarious speech/confession in the video below.

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