Cute Little Otter Finds Old Toy And Carries It Up The Stairs


Our pets usually become the star of the house. They make our everyday lives more fun and bearable with their cute little antics.

Otters In Japan


In the country of Japan, it is quite usual to have otters as domesticated pets because they can both live on land or in the water. However, they still have very strict laws regarding owning otters to ensure the animal’s safety.

Domesticated Otters As Pets


Having an otter as a pet is not very different from owning cats or dogs. It’s also a big commitment. They can be messy and loud at times, and they have an odor that lingers around them. But they are definitely smart mammals, and they’re quite active so they need a big space in the house.

Meet Kotaro


A Japanese couple has an otter pet named Kotaro. His owners usually record videos of his daily life and upload them on a YouTube channel with 1.7 million subscribers.

His Best Friend


Kotaro had a “friend” named Chocbop, a toy mouse that makes a sound and runs around the house with him. He always spent time with Chocbop and he took him wherever he went.

Hana Arrived


One day, Chocbop lost its wheels and couldn’t run around the house with Kotaro anymore, and then another otter named Hana became part of Kotaro’s family, and became his new playmate.

Fun Times Together


Kotaro and Hana now have a new little pink toy to play with, and Chocbop seemed to have been forgotten by then.

A Familiar Color


One day, as Kotaro was playing with his new toy, he spotted a brown little thing on the floor, and when he got a closer look, he realized it was his old friend, Chocbop, and it doesn’t have wheels now.

Going Upstairs


He wanted to hide Chocbop so he wouldn’t get any further “injuries,” so he decided to take him upstairs, and the way he managed to climb the steps with Chocbop in his one paw is quite impressive.

Watch Kotaro’s fun friendship with Chocbop and Hana in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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