Orphaned Rhino Reunites With The Man Who Raised Him

Reunions are beautiful reminders that being apart from our loved ones does not last forever. There are invisible strings that tie us to them, and they’re what lead us back to each other no matter what happens.

Meet Kitui

Kitui is an orphaned rhinoceros who arrived at the Lewa Wildlife Conservatory in 2015 after his blind mother couldn’t take care of him.


The staff made sure to give him everything he needed – including milk, and lots of love and attention.

His Keeper

In his early years, Kitui had developed a unique and unbreakable bond with his keeper named Kamara who’s been taking care of rhinos for 3 years.

Unique Friendship

Kitui and Kamara spent a lot of time together – playing, running around, or just resting beside each other.

Saying Goodbye

Kitui continued to grow up, and we all know where this was headed – he had to be released into the wild so he could learn crucial survival skills.

Bye, Kitui… For Now

When Kitui was old enough to stand on his own feet, he was released into the nature reserve where he eventually adjusted to living amongst his kind.

The Reunion

Time passed, then came the moment of their reunion. Kitui and Kamara crossed paths again. The now-adult rhinoceros slowly approached his former caretaker and friend as if he was recollecting all the moments they shared before.

Emotional Moment

Kitui closed the distance between them and finally let Kamara pet him. It was an emotional moment for everyone as two best friends reunite after a long time of being apart.

Watch Kitui and Kamara’s story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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