Orphaned Foal Gets Adopted By Horse Who Just Lost Her Baby

YouTube, The Dodo

Like humans, animals who are expecting to give birth to their young ones also feel excitement and anxiety, and their emotions can also become messed up when things go wrong.

Meet Queen Uniek

YouTube, The Dodo

Queen Uniek is a Friesian horse who resides on a farm in the Netherlands.

An Expecting Mom

YouTube, The Dodo

She was expecting her first kid, but her labor was uneasy and when she had given birth to her foal, the vets saw that the baby was not breathing.

She’s Brokenhearted

YouTube, The Dodo

Yvonne, her owner, tried to console the sad horse. The poor mom kept on licking the lifeless foal as if she was trying to resuscitate it but to no avail.

She Got Depressed


Queen Uniek was devastated, both mentally and physically. For a few days, she kept on walking around the area, searching for her baby.

She Got A Call

YouTube, The Dodo

Eventually, Yvonne’s friend contacted her and told her that they were taking care of an orphaned foal named Rising Star, and was wondering if Queen Uniek would like to take care of the foal.

They Hit It Off

YouTube, The Dodo

They put Rising Star in a vehicle, took him to the farm, and had him meet Queen Uniek who enthusiastically welcomed him.

She Accepted Him

YouTube, The Dodo

The mom horse was excited to take care of Rising Star. She performed a little dance and licked the foal on their first meeting.

Perfect Pair

YouTube, The Dodo

Queen Uniek and Rising Star have been inseparable ever since. The mom horse would follow the foal wherever he goes, and Rising Star is always delighted whenever Yvonne takes both of them out to the field.

Watch how Queen Uniek and Rising Star found a home in each other in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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