America’s Oldest Person Celebrates Her 115th Birthday

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Most of us dream of living a long happy life, and it’s possible to achieve this with a proper diet and healthy lifestyle.

Meet Bessie

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Bessie Hendricks from Iowa is a centenarian who just became America’s oldest person.

115th Birthday

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She turned 115 years old in early November and she even got to celebrate it with her family at Shady Oaks Care Center.

Her Birthday Guests

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Her surviving children, Joan, Shirley, Glenda, and Leon, were with her on her special day.

Her Eldest

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Bessie’s eldest daughter, Joan Schaffer, celebrated her 90th birthday a day before her mom’s so it’s almost like a double birthday celebration for the two of them.


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The sweet grandma now holds the record of the oldest person in the United States of America while also being the 10th in the world.

Her Secret


Joan testifies that her mom’s secret to a long life is probably strength. Something she always had since her own mother passed away when she was about 13 and she had to raise her siblings by herself.

She Was A Teacher


Bessie was also able to become a “second mom” to other kids when she practiced teaching. Joan said, “And when she taught school, she lived right across the road from where she taught school, so she had no reason not to go, not to make it to school.”

Family First

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Leon also said that Bessie always put their family first. The love and care that she showed to her siblings when she was young reached the family she built with her husband, and that love still overflows today.

Watch how Bessie celebrated her 115th birthday as America’s oldest person in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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