Annoyed Police Officer Builds Fence That Destroys Menacing Neighbors’ Vehicles


Boundaries are important not just with our emotions and relationships, but also with our properties.

Marking Your Territory


To avoid mishaps and other unlikely incidents within your property, it’s important to put up a fence.

A Reddit Story


A Redditor shared the story of how their neighbors pushed their police officer dad to build a fence that would surely protect their property from being destroyed.

Annoying Neighbors


They live in a small private neighborhood where their neighbors are also their distant relatives, and we already feel like that explains a lot.

The Setup


The Redditor said, “Our property line is kinda like a square and it is surrounded by road from two sides. Keep in mind that on one part of the road we let our neighbors use 1 square meter of the land so they could use the road safer and not damage our property.”

Abusive Neighbors


The Redditor’s family did not cover all of both driveways with asphalt and instead built a fence, but their neighbors pretended it wasn’t there and just ran it over every time they made a turn.

The Last Straw


The Redditor continued, “One day my neighbors order a massive truck filled with tons of wood. The truck driver runs over our fence. Nobody wanted to pay for the damage.” Said truck destroyed multiple bushes, trees, a little bit of metal fence, and some plants.

The Revenge


The police officer then decided to dig up the property line marker and fill the disputed territory with rock-filled barrels, so when their neighbors kept running over the property in the first six hours, 3 of their cars hit the barrels and were damaged.

Level Up


After a year, when the barrels wore out, the police officer bought cement, sand, and metal poles and cemented that whole part of the land and placed some flowers on top so when their menacing neighbors would hit the concrete, “they could smell the flowers of victory/defeat.”

Source: Homehacks

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