Little children can often amaze us with their humble and pure hearts.
Our Idols
We all have people we look up to in our lives. They may be celebrities, athletes, a family member, or a superhero.
Meet Easton
Easton Blocker is a kindergartener at Jacksonville North Pulaski School District who surprised everyone at a school event.
“Dress As Your Favorite Person” Day
In 2020, the school had a “Dress As Your Favorite Person” Day where students were encouraged to dress up as someone whom they look up to.
A Unique Choice
While the others came in wearing costumes of their favorite superheroes and celebrities, Easton decided to dress up as Jefferey Cross, their school’s security officer.
Best Friends
Easton’s mom, Lauryn, saw how much the little boy admired Officer Cross. She said, “He’s infatuated with Officer Cross. He will tell you, ‘That’s my best friend!'”.
Complete Attire
The little boy dressed up almost exactly as Officer Cross. He had a yellow shirt, black pants, and black shoes on, and Lauryn even put “Junior Security” on the back of his yellow shirt using vinyl letters.
He’s Moved
Officer Cross was moved by Easton’s gesture. He’s also glad to have a little friend like him. He said, “Easton, ever since the first day of school, he comes up and hugs me. He’s adorable. He has a very fun, high-spirited personality.”
A Realization
Officer Cross said that seeing that his work influences little kids like Easton made him appreciate his job even more.
Watch how Easton honored Officer Cross’ profession by dressing up as him at a school event in the video below.
Watch Video Here: