Observant Mom Notices Odd Detail On Her Son’s Eye Through Baby Monitor

Nowadays, technology already plays an important role in our household. It helps us work on chores more easily and conveniently, and other times, it also helps us learn about other important things that may be detrimental to our family’s health.

Meet Little Benny

Benny is an adorable 6-month-old boy who’s loved and looked after by his parents.

A Typical Night

One night, he was in his crib, and his mom was observing him through the baby monitor, watching him wiggle around and look for his pacifier.

An Odd Observation

Eventually, Benny’s mom noticed that one of his eyes emitted a bright glow, while the other looked normal and this difference persisted regardless of his movements or positioning.

So They Sought Help

Benny’s mom took him to his pediatrician who referred them to an ophthalmologist.

The Diagnosis

After several tests, they confirmed that Benny was suffering from retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer that starts in the very back part of the eye called the retina.

Good Odds

Dr. Eric Hansen said that Benny’s condition has a 95% cure rate if diagnosed early, and thanks to his family’s baby monitor and his mom’s keen eye, there’s a good chance that he’s going to get treated.

Road To Recovery

Benny underwent rigorous treatment, including chemotherapy, for a year, and eventually, he began to show signs of recovery.

Unique Case

Dr. Hansen acknowledged the uniqueness of Benny’s case, where a baby monitor played an important role in diagnosing his condition. As it turns out, baby monitors aren’t just used to keep children safe from all the other things, but they can also help parents discover more important things about their babies.

Watch how Benny’s medical condition was discovered through a baby monitor in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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