Knowing when someone or “something” needs saving is a special skill.
Meet Skip And Nancy
Skip and Nancy Campbell live in Sacramento, California, by the Chicken Ranch Slough, which has a stream.
Their Calling
Through the years, they’ve helped catch feral cats that wander around the area, even adopting some themselves.
Heavy Rainfall
On October 24, the highest recorded rainfall since 1880 with 5.4 inches of rain fell and the creek turned into a wide river.
Nancy Spotted Something
When the Campbells went through their back gate to walk through the park, Nancy saw a tiny head bobbing in the water which turned out to be a drowning kitten.
Skip Knew What To Do
Since their home had been in his family since 1966, Skip was very familiar with the area and was able to safely make it into the water to try to catch the kitten as it was being swept away.
Up For Adoption
After rescuing the feral kitten, the Campbells took it into the house and warmed it up. Nancy shared videos of the rescue on Facebook, and Skip commented, “Free Cat: Ok swimmer. Private message for details. Available today, or tomorrow if you prefer a dry cat.”
Her Name Is Stormy
Skip’s family named the gray kitten with green eyes “Stormy,” which sounds perfect for the kitten’s physique and rescue story.
A New Addition To The Family
The next day, Skip posted an update about Stormy. “Well, here’s an update: I think we are keeping Stormy. Shocker I know. She snuggled with my older daughter Michelle last night for a few hours and it was over.”
Watch how the Campbells saved little Stormy from the flood in the video below.
Watch Video Here: