Bride’s Sister Objects At Wedding To Give The Couple A Very Special Surprise

It’s hard to forget the kind things that people do to us, especially if our beating heart literally reminds us of them.

Meet Monica And Dean

Monica and Dean Berckenhoff are a lovely couple from Texas who has a sad story about their son, Colton.

A Tragedy

Their 11-year-old son named Colton Berckenhoff passed away in an accident in Porter, Texas in June 2022.

Tough Call

Monica and Dean decided to donate their son’s organs, including his heart. Monica said, “It wasn’t easy, it was a really hard decision to make because you know, that’s your family, that’s someone that you love. Colton is a hero, he’s more of a hero than any person that I know, he saved more than just one life by donating his organs.”

Travis’ Story

The person who got Colton’s heart was Travis Stufflebean from Arkansas who was born with a weak heart and has had to undergo open-heart surgeries his whole life.

He’s Grateful

Travis had been on the transplant list for three months, and when he got the call about the good news that they’ve got a heart for him, he was overjoyed. He said, “A lot of people wait a long time and never get one. I was very fortunate. I feel overwhelmed. Jesus has really done amazing things. I believe this is all Him.”

Big Surprise

Unfortunately, Travis never had a chance to meet Monica and Dean, the parents of the former owner of the heart he now has, until the couple got married.

An Interruption

In the middle of Monica and Dean’s wedding ceremony on July 19, when Judge Wayne Mack asked who objects to the couple’s union, Monica’s sister, Amanda McDonald, raised her hand and explained what she had planned for the couple’s special day.

A Special Guest

Amanda revealed that the boy who received their late son’s heart was there to give them a very special gift. That’s when Travis walked in, holding a stethoscope so the couple could listen to their late son’s heartbeat once more.

A Wonderful Gift

Every person in the room was emotional. Monica and Dean were grateful for such a wonderful gift they’d been given on their special day. Travis was also delighted to meet the lovely couple. He said, “You’re bringing the heart back home. To me, this is just a temporary heart. I’m just borrowing it. To me, this is where it belongs, with this wonderful, awesome family.”

Watch how Travis, Monica, and Dean met for the first time in the video below.

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