Mom With Cancer Asks Nurse With Same Name And Initials To Adopt Her Son

She instinctually knew that her son would do well in the hands of a genuine woman like her nurse.

Meet Tricia

Tricia Somers is a 45-year-old single mom with an 8-year-old son named Wesley.

Their Story

They moved to Harrisburg after both of her parents passed away from cancer to escape a domestic violence situation.

She’s Ill

She later on found out that her cancer was terminal, and she started getting treatment at Pinnacle Health Community General in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where she met a kind nurse named Tricia Seaman.

They Became Friends

Somers and Seaman eventually developed a deep friendship. Somers said, “Before she even said anything, I just felt comfort. It was almost like somebody put a warm blanket on me. I never anything like that before felt or any other connection with anybody else.”

A Big Request

Despite barely knowing each other, Somers asked Seaman if she could adopt her son when she passed away, and Seaman, who has four children of her own, believed it was fate that led her to cross paths and become friends with a woman with the same first name with the same spelling and initials as her.

They Bonded

Seaman said yes as she was actually looking to adopt after finding out that additional pregnancies might cause complications for her health. She said, “They became family, we’d go on vacations together, we were so attached to them both. We took care of her in our house until she became too ill and went to inpatient oncology and then to a hospice residence.”

She’ll Be Remembered

Eventually, Somers passed away but she left a good remembrance to her new-found family. Seaman said, “God has this planned perfectly, there was a reason I was Tricia’s nurse. I feel so blessed to have known her and now have the privilege to raise her son. She’ll always be with me.”

He Grew Up

Wesley is now 16 years old. He was gifted a keychain by her mom that reads “Drive Safely” to go along with his new learner’s permit that Somers set aside for him along with other birthday gifts before she passed away. He said, “I think it was the only thing she could think to do, really. And I’m thankful every day that she made that decision.”

Watch how Somers and Seaman developed a deep friendship that goes beyond this life in the video below.

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