Heroic Nurse Opens Car Door To Rescue Dog Running On Freeway

YouTube, Inside Edition

Like humans, when placed in a frightening situation, without any familiar face in sight, dogs also feel scared and lost.

Busy Highway


On one typical day, during rush hour, a dog on the loose was spotted along one of the busiest freeways in Los Angeles.

Lost Dog

YouTube, Inside Edition

The pooch was spotted running along the shoulder of the 5 Freeway in Los Angeles, California, and drivers were trying to block her way so she couldn’t run any further.

She’s Trapped

YouTube, Inside Edition

Some cars managed to create a blockage and corner the dog with their cars. The pooch ran over to smell one of the driver’s hands but refused to come with him.

On Her Way Home


One of the drivers whose attention the dog captured was Amber Streid, a nurse who was on her way home from a 12-hour shift.

She Trusted Her

YouTube, Inside Edition

Among all the other drivers who tried to help the dog, only Amber succeeded in doing so. She said, “I look to the left of the carpool lane. I see this little guy running like 10 mph. Opened it and for some reason, he went right in. Pretty much she came in, came to the driver’s seat, and went to my feet.”

She’s On TV


Amber called her dad to tell him about what happened and he was surprised to find out that her daughter was the hero who saved the dog on the freeway according to the news that morning.

She’s Injured


Amber saw that the dog had injuries on her paw, and she was bleeding. Along with another driver, the nurse wrapped the exhausted dog in a towel and put her in the backseat before taking her to the vet.

Finding Her Family


The vet didn’t see any chip on the dog, so the Streid family, who already have four rescue dogs, thought of taking “Lady Luck” to the shelter in case her owner was looking for her.

What Happened

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Eventually, they found Lady Luck’s family and Amber turned her over to them. According to the family, Lady Luck ended up on the freeway after she ran away on the day they were preparing to move out of their house.

Watch how Amber saved Lady Luck from the freeway in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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