Nosy Parrot Checks Out Traffic Camera

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Aside from flying and mimicking voices, parrots, as it turns out, get curious about technology too.



Accidents happen anytime, anywhere, so it’s important to set up security measures to avoid undesirable events from happening.

For Security Purposes


A lot of people install security cameras in their homes to watch out for burglars, and the government also sets up CCTVs along highways in case there are emergencies that need to be attended to.

Brazilian Highways

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A security camera in Curitiba, ParanĂ¡, Brazil caught adorable footage.

Curious Passerby

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A highway traffic cam got interfered with by a curious parrot who decided to investigate the “interesting” device.

Anybody Home?

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The adorable parrot hung around the camera for a few seconds, analyzing what the metal eyes do.

A Native Bird


The parrot in the footage is a turquoise-fronted amazon which is one of the most common amazon parrots kept as a pet or companion parrot, especially in Brazil.

Just Here To Visit


Turquoise-fronted amazons are usually found in forests, woodland, savanna, and palm groves, so this one was probably just passing by when his interest got piqued by the CCTV camera.

Funny Encounter

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Although those who are in charge of watching the traffic may see this as interference, the goofy parrot’s visit might have brightened up the workers’ boring day at that time.

Watch how a curious parrot popped its head into the surveillance camera in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Reshareworthy

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