Hard Of Hearing And Blind Senior Dog Slow Dances With New Mom

Facebook, Julie Elrod; TikTok, julieelrod1966

Having a miserable past is not something that’s easy to move on from.

Tender Loving Care


Love overcomes any kind of sadness, loneliness, or trauma. It’s a blessing for a lot of animals that many people have such huge hearts to share love and care with dogs and other animals who badly need their own safe haven.

Meet Beanie

Facebook, Julie Elrod

Beanie was rescued when she was 11 years old from a “horrific” situation, and his new mom, Julie, adopted her from Rescue Dogs Rock in 2018.

She’s Hesitant


At first, Beanie was hesitant to accept affection from Julie as she wasn’t used to being around people who were as loving as her.

Her Own Way Of Communication

Facebook, Julie Elrod

Beanie’s condition requires a different level of care. Julie said, “Since she is blind and deaf, I communicate with her through touch.”

Dance Therapy

TikTok, julieelrod1966

To be able to get her trust, Julie decided to slow dance with Beanie every single day since she adopted her.

Their Struggles

Facebook, Julie Elrod

At first, Beanie would run away every time Julie would try to pet her. She just liked to just sit by herself, but luckily, Julie didn’t give up and decided to be more patient and persevered to build a relationship with the senior dog.

Extra Dose Of Love

TikTok, julieelrod1966

Through time, Julie noticed the development of their dance therapy. She said, “Now, every day, I do ‘slow dance therapy’ to hold her close and sway back and forth. Even though she can’t hear me, I also sing to her.”

A Blessing To Each Other


Regardless of all her efforts in taking care of Beanie, Julie says that Beanie is the one who changed her life for the better, rather than the other way around.

Watch Julie and Beanie’s emotional slow dance in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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