Stranger Buys Elderly Man A New Lawnmower

YouTube, WBNG 12 News

When something gets taken away, something better usually comes as a replacement.

Meet Gordon

YouTube, WBNG 12 News

85-year-old Gordon Blakeslee has a house in Harpursville, New York.

2020 Happened


But due to the pandemic, he had to stay with his family during the lockdown, leaving behind his beloved 2009 Craftsman riding mower.

It Got Stolen


He returned to his home and found out that his riding mower was stolen from his front yard while he was away.

Aging Problems


Gordon loves keeping up his yard, but he wouldn’t be able to use a push mower at his old age, and he doesn’t like to rely on others to do the job for him.

He Tried To Get It Back

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Gordon tried putting a sign with the words, “Bring back my mower, I’m 85 years old and I can’t push.” in his front lawn, hoping that the thief would read it and have pity on him.

But Someone Else Noticed It

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Someone saw Gordon’s story on the local news and decided to buy him a brand new one that is way better than his old riding mower.

Receiving The Gift

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The anonymous stranger had the Broome County Sheriff’s Office deliver the new mower to Gordon. The old man said, “Thank you, what else can I say. I really appreciate it. It’s got some new upgrades to it; that’s a lot better than my old one.”

Keeping His Mower Secured


Gordon now keeps his new mower locked up on his property and had security cameras installed. He doesn’t want to risk his new toy getting stolen.

Watch Gordon’s story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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