Kind Man Cuts Net To Save Trapped Puppy



It takes a big heart for a person to give a hand to someone who’s in need.

His Biggest Obstacle


A poor puppy gets trapped in a net one day, rendering him completely helpless.

Making Sure He’s Calm

YouTube Screenshot, ViralHog

A man comes to the puppy’s rescue and does everything he can to gently set the poor puppy free.

His Only Tool


With the help of his snipping tool, the man cuts the net to relieve the puppy from his demise.

Other Puppies Are Worried


Some puppies pass by and watch as the man does the heroic saving of their friend.

Calm And Trusting

YouTube Screenshot, ViralHog

As if he’s aware that he’s being rescued, the puppy stays still as the man is in the process of setting him free.

A Few Light Pulls

YouTube Screenshot, ViralHog

As the rescue approaches its end, all they need are some pulling to completely remove the puppy’s body from the net.

A Breath Of Relief

YouTube Screenshot, ViralHog

The man finally lifts the puppy and exclaims in joy for the successful rescue.

Running Freely


The puppy can now run and play with his friends, thanks to the kind-hearted man!

Catch the man’s heroic rescue of the puppy with just a pair of scissors in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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