Retired Marine Moves The Audience With His “Ain’t No Sunshine” Performance

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When passion has been ignited in the heart of someone, nothing, not even disability, can hinder that passion from growing further.

Pride Of The Country


Our soldiers play a crucial role in maintaining the country’s peace, and it takes a great deal of passion and love for work for them to face each war with sturdy feet and a straight face.

Meet Sal

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Sal Gonzalez served in the United States Marine Corps and fulfilled his duty for some years until he couldn’t anymore.

His Story

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Sal joined the Marine Corps after high school. He was one of the reserved officers who responded to the call after the attacks on 9/11.

His Reason

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Sal said that the tragedy moved him to continue joining the military. He said, “The fact that I come from a family of immigrants propelled me to want to join. I wanted to give back for all this country has given us.”

His Journey

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Sal was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines as a machine gunner. After two weeks of being based in Iraq, his platoon drove through Ramadi where he was hit by an improvised explosive device.

The End Of An Era

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Sal was in a coma for about a week at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Unfortunately, he couldn’t go back into service anymore because his leg was amputated below the knee.

Going Back To His Passion


Instead of grieving, Sal decided to go back to his love for singing and music by being involved with the Wounded Warrior Project while he was still at Bethesda.

Sharing His Story And Talent

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For his performance in America’s Got Talent, Sal played and sang “Ain’t No Sunshine,” and the four judges, together with all the audience, heard and saw the marine’s heart through his performance.

Watch Sal’s moving performance in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: See It Live

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