Mother With Son In Wheelchair Gets Vicious Parking Note

Before we let our emotions get ahead of us, it’s important to know what the reason for an irritating event is.

Meet Tricia And Mason

Tricia Proefrock and her 13-year-old son, Mason, from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida had a discouraging encounter while on a vacation.

A Day Out


They were visiting Disney World near Orlando when they had a parking problem.

Mason’s Condition


Mason has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a type of epilepsy that can affect vision, speech, and mobility, so he has to use a wheelchair wherever he goes.

Parking Needs


Because of Mason’s special needs, Tricia has to find designated parking spaces so she can accommodate Mason’s wheelchair out of their van.

But There’s A Problem


Designated parking spots for the disabled are sometimes full. While they were in Disney World, the cast members simply told her to park on top of the line and take up two spots so she can have room to get Mason in and out of the car.

People Are Not Happy About It

When they returned to their car at the end of the day, Tricia saw a yellow slip on her car calling her “domineering, egotistical or simple-minded,” and wishing her “transmission failure” while driving and also hoping they get infested by “the Fleas of a thousand camels.”

Not What She Expected

Facebook, Tricia Proefrock

Tricia knew that she always looked for end spots or spots with ramps when she’s parking, but they weren’t always available, and she’s offended because she felt like the situation of taking two spots naturally sets them up to be judged.

Same Response


The next day, Tricia reported the incident to the cast members at the Epcot theme park when they visited but still, they were directed to take up two parking spots, so she shared the note to raise awareness that people should decide to pause, consider the situation and use common sense before acting in petty ways that could cause others offense.

Watch Tricia and Mason’s parking story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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