Hardworking Mother Of 9 Graduates From Medical School

All of us have more than just one dream, and this woman proves that fulfilling her dream of becoming a doctor does not stop after being a mother.

Meet Sarah

Sarah Merrill is a hardworking mom of 9 who had always dreamt of becoming a doctor since she was four years old.

She Got Into Pre-Med

She got into the pre-med program at Dartmouth College when she was 17 years old.

She Fell In Love

While in college, she met her soon-to-be husband and they got married and gave birth to their daughter before graduating from Dartmouth, but she was still determined to pursue med school so she took the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) while she was still pregnant with her first baby.

She Became A Full-Time Mom

However, things changed when her first daughter was born. Sarah decided to be a stay-at-home mom and raise her daughter herself, and she and her husband decided to grow their family.

Mom Of 9

Sarah told the wonderful story of how their family grew. She said, “We weren’t necessarily going for a large family, in particular, in our planning, but that is what we did. We ended up having four daughters and five sons, and we had all nine of those kids in 12 years.”

Her Work

While she was raising her children, Sarah continued to be in the medical industry by working part-time in medical research.

She Continued Her Dream

At 34 years old, when her youngest child turned two, Sarah decided to go back to medical school and get a master’s degree, but her supportive family convinced her to go back to her original plan of attending medical school.

They Moved

Sarah, her husband, their nine kids, and her mom moved from Pennsylvania to Arizona when she got accepted at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine to continue her studies. Her mom volunteered to help her raise her kids while her husband had the opportunity to work remotely.

Soon-To-Be A Neurosurgeon

Sarah successfully finished four years of medical school. She graduated with a medical degree and she and her family are now moving to Indiana to start her residency in neurosurgery at Indiana University.

Watch Sarah’s journey to becoming a doctor in the video below.

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