6-Year-Old Boy’s Mom Shares His Adorable Morning Routine

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In this busy world, it’s often hard to find a time when we can just pause and take deep breaths without feeling rushed.

Morning Routine


If you’re a morning person, you probably enjoy a quick jog outside, preparing a nice breakfast, and taking a moment to plan out your whole day, but because of the demands of our jobs and other responsibilities, it’s quite impossible to find time for these things anymore.

The Gift Of Time

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A 6-year-old kid from New York named Ayaan Diop has found a way to maximize his 24 hours of the day.

An Early Riser


Ayaan wakes up an hour before his siblings wake up every day. This way, he can enjoy some quiet time for himself.

His Favorite Drink

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He enjoys his breakfast with a cup of lemon and honey tea. He got his love for tea from his dad who’s an artist.

He Loves To Read


While eating his breakfast, Ayaan reads a chapter book. His parents think he got his love for reading from when they used to read to him when he was still in his mother’s womb.

They’re Great Parents


Ayaan’s parents, Alpha and Alissa, shared that they both read a book to him while he was still in Alissa’s tummy. Now that he’s a smart little kid, he loves getting books as a present.

He’s A Great Big Bro

Instagram, alissa360style

Ayaan’s personality is reflected in his actions. He shows characteristics of being a responsible young man by having an organized morning routine and being a loving brother to his two siblings.

He’s Smart And Blessed

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There was also a video of Ayaan posted by his mom where he was reciting his three affirmations for himself: “I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything.”

You can watch the interview with Ayaan and his parents where they talked about his morning routine in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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