Baby Elephant Makes Sure Momma Elephant Makes It Out Of The Mud Too

Humans aren’t the only victims of the extreme climate change the world is facing. Animals suffer its consequences too.

Terrible Drought

According to Health Policy Watch, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, was “experiencing its worst water shortage in decades” in 2022. The 2020-2022 drought in Kenya was also said to be “the most severe and longest with widespread livelihood loss and massive displacement of populations”.

Gentle Giants

Two female elephants who had become stuck in mud while attempting to drink water from it had to be rescued by the locals a few months ago.

Days Later

Just a few days later, a mother elephant and her child got caught in the same dam, necessitating the organization of a rescue mission.

Thirsty Elephants

The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust claims that the mother and child, weary from their quest for water, came to rest near the dam, which they saw as an opportunity to sip water. Unfortunately, if local veterinarians hadn’t come and stepped in right away, they might have not gotten out of there alive.

Day Two

On the day after learning about the situation, the wildlife trust dispatched a helicopter to search for the stranded elephants near the Kenyan border with Tanzania.

Baby’s Out

The mother felt she had to protect her child from people, so she tried to make things difficult for the locals, even though the baby elephant was very easy to pull out. But they succeeded, and the calf was soon out of the mud and safe.

Staying Close

Remarkably, the baby elephant had the same instinct as his mother because he kept on returning to the dam to make sure his mom would be okay. Because of this, the veterinarians had to anesthetize both elephants in order to ensure that the mission would be completed successfully, which made their task harder.

Next, Mom

It was difficult to remove the large, heavy adult elephant from the mud. According to Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, “(The team) managed to secure the tow ropes around her front legs and bum. These were attached to the tractor, which was then caravanned to two Land Cruisers. With a mighty pull, the three-vehicle convoy managed to haul the elephant out of her muddy prison”.

Mission Success

The veterinarians woke the animals up once they were both safe. Before long, the baby reached his mother, who was at last able to stand up, and the two of them took off together.

Watch how a baby elephant and her mama got rescued from their muddy situation in the video below.

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