Single Mom Adopts All Four Siblings So They Don’t Have To Be Separated

YouTube, Good Morning America

Nowadays, having a complete and loving family is already a privilege. While there are some parents who decide that they can no longer take care of their kids, there are also those people who are willing to adopt kids and take them as their own.

Meet Melissa

YouTube, Good Morning America

Melissa Servetz is a former teacher who has also worked in social services for the past five years.

A Heart For The Kids


During those years, Melissa has opened her home and heart to 56 children who needed foster homes.

One Last Kid


After years of helping and taking care of foster kids, Melissa finally decided that she would foster one more child and then she could retire from fostering after that.

They Need Her


Melissa was teaching at Tampa Bay when a former student’s parent approached her and told her about two kids needing a temporary home as they were being evicted from their home and were under the care of an agency.

Meet Jade And Destiny

YouTube, Good Morning America

Melissa called the agency to confirm that two girls needed a foster home. She picked up Jade after a week, and then picked up Destiny after another week.

Two More Boys

YouTube, Good Morning America

The children’s mother gave birth to two more boys named Matthew and Emerson, who once again needed a foster home. Melissa didn’t want to separate the siblings from each other so she decided to adopt all four of them.

A Challenging Process


Melissa got Matthew and Emerson when they were just three days old. She understood the trauma that the kids went through, especially Jade and Destiny, so they all go to counseling to process things and also for Melissa to learn how to deal with them.

A Happy Family


Melissa is now on a mission to make her kids feel loved in every possible way. She said, “I want them to remember that I picked them… and I have, in my opinion, the best children in the world.”

Watch the story of how a former teacher became a single mother of four in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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