Hopeful Family Witnesses A Miracle When Sick Baby Survives After Being Taken Off Life Support

Facebook, Karson Jax Updates; Chelsea Hough

If you’re quite doubtful that miracles are real, this story might be the one to convince you.

Meet Baby Karson

Facebook, Karson Jax Updates

Karson is one strong little baby who, in his first weeks on earth, had already been through a lot.

He Was A Healthy Fetus


Karson was born at 9 months, and everything was perfect during his mom’s labor and delivery until it all went south after his birth.

He Survived


Although his heartbeat was strong throughout labor, his heart stopped upon delivery and only restarted after he was placed on his mother’s chest.

His Condition


Karson’s heart rate continued to drop as days went on. The doctors later on discovered that he had various life-threatening conditions that might have been caused by a suspected hemorrhage in his left temporal lobe.

He’s On Life Support

Facebook, Karson Jax Updates

His doctors also said he might have nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH), a rare genetic disorder that results in glycine buildup in the body’s tissues and fluids. This caused baby Karson to be put on life support so he could breathe and survive.

A Tough Call


After weeks of contemplating Karson’s situation, his family decided to end his suffering by taking him off life support. His grandma, Lisa Hough, asked their families and friends for prayers and they responded and prayed for comfort for the whole family.

A Miracle Happened

Facebook, Chelsea Hough

The day finally came when they had to take Karson off life support. His mother, Chelsea, and the whole family were told that Karson would only be able to breathe for only ten minutes after the life support was turned off. 10 minutes passed, and Karson somehow continued breathing all on his own.

He Was A Fighter


Minutes turned into hours, and he was still breathing normally. He was going on for five hours when Lisa decided to share the great news online, saying, “Today, we witnessed a miracle!!”.

He’s 1 Year Old


Karson just celebrated his first birthday, and he continues to grow stronger and healthier every day. His whole family is grateful for the wonderful miracle that is his life.

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