Retiring Military Dog Reunites With Former Handler

YouTube, WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY

Military dogs who serve the country alongside our soldiers deserve honorable retirement too.

Power Duo

YouTube, WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY

Sergeant Joe Stasio and his military dog named Enzo were best buddies during their time of service in the Marines.

Serving Together


The two served for more than a year in Kuwait until Joe had to go back to his home in Buffalo, New York in 2017.

Enzo Stayed Behind


Enzo stayed in the service for three more years until it was his time to retire as well.

Setting Up Their Reunion


Mission K9 Rescue wanted to make sure that Enzo wouldn’t just retire alone, but would also be able to spend more time with his former handler by transporting the military dog from North Carolina to Buffalo.

Waiting For Him

YouTube, WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY

Joe was already waiting outside one of the Buffalo/Niagara International Airport elevators for his old buddy while holding Enzo’s old leash and a toy as a gift.

Just Like The Old Times

YouTube, WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY

Joe said that all the memories he and Enzo had made during their time together might have already been dispersed through time, but when Enzo went out of the elevator door and he saw Joe bent on his knees to greet him, it was just like yesterday when they were still doing service together.

His Retirement Plans


Joe already had an ideal retirement in mind for both him and Enzo. He plans to get good food, watch TV, and have a lot of fun times together with his best bud, and we’re pretty sure that Enzo wouldn’t have any other retirement plans in mind than spending the next years with his good friend.

He’s Grateful

YouTube, WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY

Joe was immensely grateful to Mission K9 Rescue for all their efforts and also to those who donated funds to take care of Enzo’s homecoming.

Watch Joe and Enzo’s beautiful reunion at the airport in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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