Brilliant Swim Instructor Calms His Students Down Using The “Mermaid Mantra”

YouTube, Good Morning America

Most times, little kids need our help to have a little courage to do something that seems terrifying.

Life-Saving Skill


Knowing how to swim can save someone’s life. You’ll never know when incidents may happen, so it’s important to have the important skills to survive any emergency.

It’s Not Easy


There are still adults who are afraid of getting into the water because no one really knows what’s under the open seas, so it’s acceptable that little kids are also frightened of trying to get into the water for the first time.

Meet Tyler

YouTube, Good Morning America

Tyler Reed is the owner of Triton Aquatic Training in Tampa, Florida. He has a good cause for doing this and he’s really passionate in teaching little kids how to swim.

His Trick

YouTube, Good Morning America

Of course, there are times when a little kid is too afraid to get into the pool, so Tyler came up with the “mermaid mantra” where he would ask the child to say the words, “I’m big. I’m brave. I’m beautiful.”

He’s There For Them

YouTube, Good Morning America

After that, he gives his student a sweet hug to make sure they know that he’s there for them and that they’re safe because he’s by their side.

Works Like Magic

YouTube, Good Morning America

The mermaid mantra boosts the little kids’ confidence and helps them overcome their fear of the water. It helps them know that they’re brave and are “bigger” than the water.

He’s A Sweet Teacher

YouTube, Good Morning America

Tyler sees to it that his students do not only learn how to swim during their sessions but he also makes sure that they enjoy their time with him.

His Goal


He also shared that his goal is to prove to people the capabilities of little kids. He said, “I think a lot of people look at 2-year-olds and babies as children that are incapable of being able to swim or save themselves and I’m trying to kind of erase that psyche from them, that they can they really can do this.”

Watch how Tyler’s “mermaid mantra” washes the kids’ fears away in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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