McDonald’s Manager Helps Turn Homeless Man’s Life Around

This story is a gentle reminder that behind every homeless person is a story and a potential waiting to be recognized and given a chance.

Out For A Drive

Doug Evans and his wife, Kyli, were driving nearby when they spotted a homeless man by the side of the road on a cold day. Kyli said, “I couldn’t even believe it. Is that somebody sitting on the side of the road? The human heart in me could not allow somebody to just sit outside in 12-degree weather, so I just wanted to do something.”

They Got Help

Paloma Robles, the General Manager at the Vista Ridge Village McDonald’s in Lewisville, Texas, was surprised by a knock at the door from Doug. She told him, “Sir, the lobby is closed, but the drive-thru is open,” but she was surprised when he introduced a man named Derrick Mounter to her.

His Story

Derrick went to college for graphic design and used to dream of being an animator but his life took a downward spiral after a breakup and a severe car wreck.

Life’s Tough

Despite his efforts to find a job, Derrick often faced harsh judgments from people, and this discouraged him that he would get back on his feet again. He said, “It made me not want to live anymore and it made me feel like God was not on my side anymore because of some of the things that they were saying.”

A Life-Changing Opportunity

After learning about Derrick’s story, Paloma made him an offer. She shared, “I said, ‘I’m going to give you that job. I’m going to give you that opportunity that you’re looking for.’ So he started crying.”

A Gesture Of Hope

Derrick saw this as a new hope and a chance to get out of his dire situation. He said, “She knew I had something better to live for and she didn’t want me to be in this situation anymore.”

A Great Employee

Through time, Paloma saw Derrick’s dedication as a new employee at McDonald’s. He consistently arrives at least 15 minutes early for his shifts and has quickly become a valued member of the team.

A Little Compassion Goes A Long Way

Derrick’s story of transformation is not just about his journey but also about the life-changing impact of compassion and community. Clifton Johnson, the owner of the McDonald’s, said, “If we took the time to actually be more compassionate, that energy would help the entire universe.”

Watch how Derrick’s life turned around after an encounter at a local McDonald’s in the video below.

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