Neglected Cat Found Covered In Matted Fur Gets Rescued And Finds Loving Home

His life took a turn for the better in his new home.

Meet Sinbad

Sinbad is a 9-year-old Persian cat who was found in a direful condition by the rescuers.

His Old Owner

He was found hidden away in an elderly man’s basement, buried in a matted mass, weighing over five pounds.

Poor Kitty

The matted fur all over his body was so overwhelming that he wasn’t able to walk anymore.

Rescuing Sinbad

The elderly owner agreed to surrender Sinbad to the shelter. After he was taken, the rescuers realized that the fur was not just tangled, but also contained layers of dirt and feces.

His Transformation

The rescuers shaved off Sinbad’s fur and gave him a much-needed bath, which transformed him into a completely different cat.

Foster Dad

As Christmas approached, the shelter staff decided to find a temporary home for Sinbad, and that’s when Elliot Serrano stepped up to foster him.

New Dad

Eventually, Sinbad and Elliot developed a special bond. After only two days in Elliot’s house, Sinbad cuddled up on Elliot’s chest and purred happily, which led to Elliot’s decision to officially adopt the sweet cat.

Loving Home

In his new home, Sinbad would always cuddle with his new owner. They love watching TV together and enjoying cozy naps on the bed. His love for people, despite his traumatic experiences, was a source of joy and wonder for Elliot.

He’s Famous

Eventually, Elliot created an Instagram page for Sinbad where he shares his daily stories and big milestones. The lovable cat quickly became an internet sensation with thousands of followers who are always on the lookout for his daily posts.

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