Marine Lets Himself Slow Down And Lose The 5K Marathon To Help Young Boy Finish

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Those who finish first are not always the winner.

Running Together


Running is good for your health, but it becomes so much more enjoyable when you do it with others.

Charity 5K Marathon

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In 2013, Lance Corporal Myles Kerr anticipated winning the charity 5K marathon in Charlevoix, Michigan with his fellow Marines.

But He Won In An Unexpected Way

Facebook, SEAL of Honor

9-year-old boy participating in the marathon, named Boden Fuchs, was struggling to keep pace with his friends when Lcpl Kerr came across him.

Boden Was Already Behind


Boden had already lost sight of his running mates who thought he had run off ahead of them, so when he saw Kerr, he asked for some help.

The Marine Decided To Slow Down


Not knowing what to do anymore, Boden reached out his hand to Kerr and asked, “Sir, will you please run with me?” The Marine decided that beating his fellow Marines and acing the race weren’t as important as giving a hand to the struggling boy.

Better Together


Kerr gave up winning the race to run alongside the boy. He gave him encouragement up until the finish line, which they crossed together.

A New-Found Friendship

The Petoskey Times

Boden and Kerr met up again after the race so Boden and his family could formally thank the kind-hearted man for such a thoughtful act.

People Are Moved By The Marine’s Good Deed

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In response to all the praises he received, Kerr tweeted, “I was just doing what any man would do.”

Kerr surely knows what the saying, “Leave no man behind” means.

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