Marching Guard Orders Laughing Men To Pay Respect During A Memorial

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Soldiers’ duties don’t end on the battlefield. They also intend to maintain peace during important events.

Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers


Veterans Day is not only a holiday that suspends classes and office works, but it is a special day to commemorate the lives of the people who fought for our freedom.

The Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington Cemetery

To observe Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or some other special occasion, the Arlington National Cemetery conducts a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The Significance Of Wreath

The laying of a wreath at the tomb serves as a salute to those Americans who fell in combat and have never been retrieved.

The Duty Of A Soldier Guard

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A guard is stationed at the tomb at all times to make sure that people are paying respect to the fallen heroes’ place.

Making His Rounds

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During one memorial event, while a guard was making his rounds, he heard people laughing at an unacceptable volume so he did what he had to do.

Setting A Noisy Crowd Straight

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The guard turned to the laughing men, halted, then yelled a command for them to pay their respects to the memorial event.

People Immediately Obliged

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After seeing that people have received the message, the guard then went on with his round back to his station.

People Commend The Guard’s Authority

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It is indeed important that we keep quiet and steady while we pay our respects to those people who gave their all so we can now live in peace.

See how the guard reprimanded the noisy crowd in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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