Talking Husky Says “I Love You” To Her Humans

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For most people, dogs are not just a man’s best friend. They are family too!

Dogs Have Their Own Ways Of Talking To Us


Most dog-owners probably long to understand what their fur babies are saying, and some dogs learn their own ways of communicating with their owners.

Mishka Does Not Only Bark, She Talks Too

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This lovable Siberian Husky, Mishka, has learned a lot of words in her life.

She Is Known As Quite A Communicator

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Her YouTube channel has many uploaded videos of Mishka saying different words, phrases, and sentences like “I love it.” “I want to go for a walk” and “Merry Christmas!”

She Even Knows How To Express Her Love For Her Owners

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A particular video on their YouTube channel has recorded Mishka saying “I love you” to her humans.

But She Loves Her Mommy The Most


Many of their videos show moments of Mishka showing her favoritism toward her mommy.

Mishka Is Running Freely Now In Dog Heaven


Although Mishka has been gone for a long time now, she has left a mark on people’s hearts.

Many People Express Their Love And Appreciation To Mishka

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Up until now, she’s #1 for her followers.

A Forever Place In Their Hearts


It doesn’t matter how long she’s been away now, but her “I love yous” will forever remain in her fur parents’ memory and heart.

Watch how Mishka tells her parents “I love you” in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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