Lost Parrot Talks To Strangers To Find His Way Back Home

Animals can be resilient too.

Smart Animals

Birds are among the wisest animals we can have as pets, even though they are not as well-liked as some other species like dogs and cats.

Meet Tiki

Tiki is a 5-year-old Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot who lives with his owner, Brent Chadwell, and his girlfriend.

Free Bird

Although he has a cage, Tiki is usually not kept inside and is free to roam the house as he pleases.

Cleaning Day

One day, while Brent and his girlfriend were cleaning the house, they forgot to lock Tiki in his cage so when his girlfriend was bringing garbage bags out, she left the door open, which paved the way for Tiki to go on an adventure.

3 Long Days

Brent and his girlfriend looked for Tiki for 3 days. They even flooded social media with pictures of Tiki and asked people to keep an eye out for the little bird.

Tiki’s Adventure

On the other hand, Tiki spotted the Schweizer family after a family Easter dinner, hanging out on their patio, and enjoying some drinks.


The patriarch of the Family, Reed, said he was shocked when he heard a voice saying, “Peek-a-boo!” Eventually, he realized that this was someone’s pet that had flown away and he wanted to help the little bird get back home.

Whose Is This Bird?

Reed’s veterinarian sister got Tiki into the bathroom, took a few pictures, and posted them to social media. Within 15 minutes, Brent had already seen the post and was on his way to Reed’s house.

Together Again

Finally, after 3 long days, Brent and Tiki were reunited. Brent said, “I started crying as soon as I saw that picture because I knew that was Tiki. The fact that we found him a quarter of a mile away and after 3 days was a miracle.”

Watch how Tiki talked his way back home in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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