Man Undergoes Mega Transformation So He Can Ride His Dream Roller Coaster

Anyone who has ever between to a carnival or amusement park knows that there are often weight minimums and limits for riders. Jared Ream wanted so badly to ride a rollercoaster that he lost a grand total of 195 pounds just for that very reason.

Jared Was “Too Big” to Go on His Favorite Roller Coaster

Initially, Jared weight 430 pounds, making him too large to ride the Millennium Force coaster at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio.

He Couldn’t Be Buckled in, Making it Dangerous for Him to Be a Passenger

“It’s a terrible feeling when that little green light doesn’t come on to show that you’re buckled in,” he explained. “Everyone is looking at you as you have to climb out of the car and walk away. To know that you’ve become so overweight that you can’t ride a roller coaster is painful and humiliating.”

Then He Learned About a New Roller Coaster that Was Being Built

Jared was instantly excited when he heard about the Orion being built at the Kings Island amusement park in Mason, Ohio that would be finished in 2020.

That’s When He Made the Commitment to Drop Almost Half His Weight

To ensure he’d be able to ride the Orion by the time it was completed, Jared made it his goal to drop a significant amount of pounds.

In Just 11 Month’s Time, He Reached His New Weight

The 6-foot, 9-inch man now weighs about 235 pounds since committing to his health journey!

And, No, He Didn’t Try a Fad Diet or Get Surgery

He lost weight the “old fashioned way:” through eating fewer calories, eating more fruits and vegetables, and exercising.

When He Finally Got to Ride the New Roller Coaster, He Couldn’t Help But Smile Behind His Mask!

“When I pulled down the lap restraint and heard it click, I couldn’t stop smiling, and I even had room to spare. It was an incredible feeling — all of that hard work had paid off.”

What a breath of fresh air knowing your hard work has paid off!

Riding the Orion Was the Best Weight Loss Reward

“Orion’s first 300-foot drop makes it only the seventh giga coaster on the planet, which is a pretty incredible way to celebrate such an accomplishment,” Jared said.

If it Weren’t for His Love of Roller Coasters, Jared May Not Have Ever Lost Weight

Jared admits that he didn’t have the healthiest lifestyle previously. He’d eat whatever he wanted, come home and watch television the rest of the day, and refrain from sticking to a regular workout routine.

But it’s all thanks to the Orion for motivating Jared to embark on his health journey.


Source: Washington Post

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