Lonely Horse Spent Her Final Year Making A New Friend

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

We all deserve second chances – may it be in relationships, in school or work, or in life.

Meet Gidget

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Gidget was a 29-year-old horse who was rescued and given a beautiful home to live in after a life of neglect.

Her Past


She was owned by an elderly man who wasn’t able to properly care for her. He would only dump oats down a chute straight into her feed bin, and that’s how her life basically was for years.

Rescuing Gidget


Mockingbird Animal Farm Sanctuary, an organization that takes in neglected or surrendered farm animals, rescued Gidget, and when they found her, she was in the barn’s basement all alone as all the other horses were already gone or had been sold.

Her New Home


The rescuers had to cut down weeds to get to Gidget and take her to her new home, and when she finally arrived at the farm, her eyes lit up and she was really happy to be there. People there called Gidget “the mud pony” as she loved playing in the mud with her hoof.

A New Friend

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Eventually, Gidget met another rescued horse named Peggy. They had stalls beside each other, and every time they went out, they would touch nose to nose.

How They Play

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Gidget and Peggy spent a lot of time together. They would go out and run together. However, because of her old age, Gidget couldn’t run as fast as Peggy so she would just watch Peggy run around her.

Her 30th Birthday

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Gidget was also able to celebrate her 30th birthday at the farm. She had a beautiful party where the other farm animals celebrated with her, wearing party hats and having fun.

She’s No Longer With Us

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Sadly, Gidget passed away a few months after her 30th birthday. They laid her down in the farm’s memorial garden. Jonell, their caretaker, tried to walk with Peggy to show her that Gidget was gone but the pony kept producing distressed noises and backing up as if she knew her best friend was gone.

Life Without Gidget

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Peggy mourned Gidget’s passing. She would stand in front of her late best friend’s halter where her scent lingered and wouldn’t leave. She would also stand in front of Gidget’s stall waiting for her to come out, but she didn’t. We hope Peggy will meet a new friend soon.

Watch how Gidget happily spent the last year of her life at the farm with her best friend in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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