Lonely Dad Rides Motorcycle For 24 Years To Find Missing Son

YouTube, Inside Edition

Nothing is worse for a parent than losing a child.

Beloved Son

YouTube, Inside Edition

On September 21, 1997, Guo Gantang lost his two-year-old son.

Unexpected Incident


Gantang’s son was just playing outside when he was snatched by human traffickers in front of their home in the province of Shandong.

Last Sighting Of Him


The female suspect, who has a surname Tang, grabbed the boy and took him to the bus station. Together with Hu, her partner, she took the intercity bus and traveled to the province of Henan, and sold the boy there.

In Search Of His Son

YouTube, Inside Edition

Gantang walked where his leads took him. If they were too far, he would ride his motorcycle through cities and provinces. His motorcycle has two big flags with his son’s face, hoping that someone he passed by would recognize his son.

Fatherly Sacrifices

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Gantang searched for his missing son and didn’t mind losing their family’s life savings and 10 motorcycles. He rode his motorcycle to travel 300,000 miles across provinces.

A Reason To Live


At one point in his search, Gantang even thought of ending his life but seeing his son’s photo on his motorcycle banners changed his mind. In that brief moment, he felt his son telling him to not give up.

24 Years Later

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After 24 years of searching, the police in Henan matched the description to a person in the province. They made the person undergo a DNA test and it confirmed his relationship with Guo Gantang.

Bringing People To Tears

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People on the internet admire what an incredible father Gantang is, and they’re all happy that the father and son finally got reunited.

Watch Guo Gantang’s story of searching for his lost son in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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