Senior Dog Finds Loving Family To Spend His Last Years With

Taking care of an elderly dog is not easy, but taking care of an elderly dog from an abusive household can be much more difficult.

Meet Hero

Hero was a lovable Pit Bull who was rescued by the Pit Crew Rescue in Sacramento from a very abusive environment.

Finding A Home

He was in the shelter for eight months, waiting for a family to take him in. One day, a couple named Rusty and Anna stepped in to take on the challenge.

The Final Call

Rusty and Anna have another dog named Sugar Bear, and she would make the final decision whether or not they could take Hero in. The couple said that if Sugar Bear couldn’t get along with Hero, then that was it.

She Approved

They arranged a meet-up between the Hero and Sugar Bear, and Sugar’s eyes lit up with joy when she saw Hero for the first time and that was when they confirmed that Hero was going home with them.

Clingy Doggo

Hero was such a sweet and clingy dog. Rusty said, “If you stop petting him at all, he’d start nudging you to remind you, ‘Hey, I’m still here’. If at any reason you decided to stop petting him and he couldn’t get your attention, no matter how much he nudged you, he moved on to the next person and he’d start nudging them.”

House Full Of Dogs

Rusty and Anna also foster dogs and they would have one to two additional dogs living with them, which Sugar and Hero would welcome heartily.

In His Memory

Hero was eight or nine years old when he was rescued, and his prognosis was that he might not have much time left, but he got to spend three more years with his loving family before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

A Tribute

A letter was written by Rusty and Anna in memory of Hero, who died on May 6, 2022. They said, “Hero changed our family’s life for the better. From the moment we adopted Hero, we promised to love him & protect him. He would never be hungry or hurt again. The beauty of Hero is that after all he had been through, he only wanted to be loved by all he met.”

Watch Hero’s moving story of his joyful years spent with his loving family in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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