Kind Teacher Helps Student Who Was Denied Entry To Grad Ceremony

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Imagine looking forward to that very special day in your entire high school life, then having it ruined by a problem you did not see coming. That’s what almost happened to this guy.

Every Student’s Goal


A student who perseveres in excelling at school has one goal in mind: to get that diploma, and this is probably the same for every high school student out there.

Meet Daverius

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Daverius Peters was graduating from Hahnville High School in Boutte, Louisiana, but a school staff wouldn’t let him get on with the ceremony that easily.

Shoe Problem


Daverius arrived at the convention wearing the required purple cap and gown. However, the school’s graduation dress code required male students to wear dark dress shoes, and it turned out that his black leather sneakers with white soles were not allowed.

He Couldn’t Enter

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A school representative refused Daverius entry because of his shoes, and that’s when teacher John Butler saved the graduating student’s day.

His Solution

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Daverius came up to John in panic and told him about the situation. He tried to negotiate with the staff but they wouldn’t budge so John resorted to taking off his shoes that were two sizes bigger for Daverius and told him to wear them during the ceremony instead.

He’s A Good Teacher


Daverius praised his teacher for the kind gesture. He said, “I wasn’t surprised because Mr. Butler is that type of person. At school, if you’re having a bad day, he’ll be the one to take you out of class, walk around the school with you and talk to you.”

He Made It

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Daverius gratefully slipped into John’s shoes and proceeded to savor the excitement of finally getting his diploma that day.

His Parents’ Reaction

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Daverius’s parents were very upset with what happened. His mom, Jima Smith, said, “He worked so hard, and for someone to just rip that away from him, that was maddening to me.” John also planned to meet with the admin to discuss the dress code and what happened during the graduation.

Watch how John saved Daverius’s graduation day in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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