Selfless Mom Heroically Saves Her Four Kids From House Fire

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

Mothers will do whatever it takes to keep their kids safe always – even if it means risking their own lives.

Meet Mikala

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

Mikala Vish is a mom of four kids with ages 4, 6, 12, and 9 months.

House Fire


On October 26, a fire broke out at around 1 AM at their house just outside Chelsea, Michigan.

Mikala was coming back in and out of the burning house to save her kids. While the three of them were already safe outside, Mikala wasn’t able to find her six-year-old son Torin.

She’s Injured


The brave mom didn’t give up looking for her son until she finally found him. However, she suffered severe second- and third-degree burns from the fire, and 60 percent of her body was burned from the rescue while her son Torin suffered serious burns to his hands and arms.

Fortunately, Mikala did not get any neurological or eye damage, but she and her son had to undergo skin graft surgeries and stay in for eight months.

She’s A Spitfire

YouTube, FOX 2 Detroit

Mikala’s mom, Susan Sutton, said that she wasn’t surprised at what her daughter did for her kids. She said, “She has always been a spitfire, she is extremely determined. It didn’t surprise me at all. As I understand, it was an inferno and she just braced herself for it until she found (her 6-year-old son).”

She’s The Hero


Lt. Derek Klink, one of the firefighters who responded to Mikala’s burning home, said that it was “the most heroic thing” he’s ever seen. He said, “Sometimes, people call us heroes. And in this instance, in no way were we the hero. Mikala deserves all the credit.”

Helping Her Family


Brynna Klink, Lt. Derek’s wife, created a GoFundMe page for Mikala’s family as she saw how this event affected her husband because they also have kids of the same age group as Mikala’s, and as of November 19, the donations have already reached $270,000 out of its $275,000 goal.

Help For The Kids


The Chelsea Area Fire Authority has also arranged a clothing drive for Mikala’s kids wherein people can drop their donations in the bins outside the fire department.

Watch how Mikala heroically saved her kids’ lives while risking her own in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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