Mom Brings Her Baby Triplets And 4-Year-Old Daughter To Jury Duty

Being a full-time mom to one kid is already a tiring job. Imagine having to look after four little kids and worrying about your social responsibility at the same time.

Meet Lindsay

Lindsay Ostler is a hardworking mom from Utah who got to survive two and a half hours inside a quiet courthouse with her four energetic children.

Her Kiddos

Lindsay currently stays at home to take care of her 4-month-old triplets and 4-year-old daughter while her husband, Cory, goes to work.

Jury Duty

Recently, Lindsay received a jury duty notice and the first problem with it was who would be taking care of her kids while she’s gone?

A Tough Job

She already has her hands full just taking care of her four children, so the added task of going to court to fulfill her jury duty was a problem she didn’t know how to resolve.

A Mom’s Plead

Lindsay tried to ask the court if she could be excused this time because she couldn’t get anyone to look after her triplets and daughter, but they still wanted her to come.

So She Came

Being left with no other choice, Lindsay decided to just take her kids with her. She put them on a trolley so they wouldn’t wander, but it was only the beginning of a long day.

The Struggles

While a session was ongoing, the courtroom was, of course, quiet, and the triplets’ noise resounded all over the room so Lindsay had to take them out to the halls from time to time to distract them.

Time Moved Slowly

Despite Lindsay’s efforts to keep the triplets in one place, they would still escape their trolley and wander around the room, sometimes even coming up to the judge’s chamber.

Mission Success

Finally, Lindsay made it through two and a half hours in court with her four little kids. It was an exhausting and memorable experience for her, and definitely would not recommend it to others.

Watch how Lindsay fulfilled her jury duty with her triplet toddlers and 4-year-old daughter in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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