94-Year-Old Woman Forgets To Pay Her Care Home And Is Thrown In Jail

Juanita Fitzgerald spent her 94th birthday in a jail cell. The elderly woman simply forgot to pay her care home, Franklin House, a $161 bill. Here’s how this horrible story went down:

Juanita Fitzgerald Lived In Franklin House

A senior care home in Florida.

She Needed Advanced Support

Due to the health conditions she lived with.

And Believes That The Home Wanted Her Out

For years, Fitzgerald believes that the home had been trying to push her out because of the cost of her care.

One Day, She Forgot To Pay

And the home tried to kick her out.

She Offered To Pay

And her payment was refused.

Instead, They Demanded That She Leave

But it was her home. It was where she had her friends. She had nowhere else to go. So, she refused to leave.

Franklin House Called The Police

Who sided entirely with the home.

Juanita Was Arrested For Trespassing

And the police forcefully took the elderly woman away. She was left bruised and in tears.

She Was Jailed

For several days, Juanita was kept in the Lake County Correctional facility. Other inmates were appalled by this treatment. Many others were unsurprised.


Juanita’s case is an example of what happens when a system cares more about money than human life. Fortunately for Juanita, somebody was able to bail her out of jail. When the case reached the attorney’s office, her charges were thrown out. Unfortunately, there’s no undoing the damage already done.

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Lynn 3 years ago
That is more than a disgusting. As a senior myself, this is not the way to treat us. Who do you think helped build this country. fought for what you have and to be thrown away because of a common elderly error, forgetfulness. This is unthinkable. The home should be fined, or closed.
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