87-Year-Old Stood Up Against Intruder Then Fed Him Crackers Afterward

Feeling unsafe in your own home is one of the worst and most terrifying things ever.

Meet Marjorie

Marjorie Perkins is an 87-year-old resident in Brunswick, Maine who got into a frightening situation inside her own home.

Someone’s Here

Marjorie was sound asleep when she suddenly woke up at 2 AM to find a male intruder standing over her bed and threatening her with a knife.

She Didn’t Back Down

The old woman did not show any fear, but instead, she put on her shoes and grabbed a chair, which she used as a weapon by repeatedly hitting the intruder with it when he tried to push her against the wall.

Strange Man

When he had enough of Marjorie’s beating, the intruder went to the kitchen and confessed that he was just hungry.

Hospitable Victim

The old woman was kind enough to offer the intruder, who, as it turned out, was a local teenager who lived only a few blocks away from her, crackers and peanut butter.

Help Came

While the teenager was eating, Marjorie took the opportunity to call the police, who eventually arrived at the scene and took the young man to Long Creek Youth Development Center where he would be facing multiple charges.

Wrong House

According to Marjorie, the intruder must have gotten entry into her home through a back window, but clearly, he made a mistake entering her home as she isn’t the kind of person who easily submits to a criminal.

Peaceful Neighborhood

Marjorie’s neighbors couldn’t believe what happened as they’d always assumed their place to be peaceful and safe. One of her neighbors said, “You just don’t think it’s going to happen in your neighborhood, and here it is. So it’s surprising,” but thanks to Marjorie’s bravery and quick thinking, no one was harmed from the incident.

Watch how an 87-year-old woman dealt with an intruder in the video below.

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