Loving Dad Gets His Kids With Down Syndrome To Help Run His Ice Cream Truck

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Parents will do whatever it takes to make their kids’ wishes come true.

Meet Joel

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Joel Wegener is a loving dad from Ohio who made a sweet gesture to fulfill his kids’ dreams.

His Big Family

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He is a father of ten, and two of those kids have special needs.

Mary Kate And Josh

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21-year-old Mary Kate and 18-year-old Josh have Down Syndrome, and now that they’re both adults, Joel thought of ways to help them start a career.

Finding Work


Mary Kate had just finished Pathways, a program for people with Down Syndrome, but Joel wasn’t sure if she’d find work as it was hard for people with special needs to find a stable job with an inclusive work environment.

Her Dream Job


When people would ask Mary Kate what her dream job is, she would answer, “I wanna work with papa,” so Joel made it possible for his two kids to work with him in the ice cream truck.

“Special Neat Treats”

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Joel bought a truck from a family that also had a member with special needs, and his wife came up with the idea of calling the business “Special Neat Treats” which is a word play on “special needs.”

An Inspiration

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The citizens of Loveland, Ohio were very much supportive and welcoming to their family business. Also, when they would run into some special needs families along their route, they would receive heartwarming feedback about how inspiring the concept of their family business is.

It Was A Success

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Since they started their business, Joel’s family has made over 5,000 sales. Eventually, they were even able to get more trucks because of all the support and love they’ve been getting from their customers.

Watch how Joel gave his special needs kids an opportunity to learn and grow by giving them a job in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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