Restaurant Owner Accommodates Hungry Child With Autism


It’s not that hard to show kindness to people we meet in our daily lives, and it takes zero effort to consider each person’s needs without judging them.

Meet Owen


Owen Long is an autistic child who sometimes struggles to make his way through social interactions in new environments.

They Want Takeout


One day, he and his parents decided to order takeout from a Burmese and Thai restaurant in Williamsville, New York called the Sun Cuisines.

Owen’s Mission


Owen’s dad knew that he may struggle with eating inside the restaurant so he told him to go in, get the menu, and come back to the car, where he could decide on his order in comfort.

He Struggled


Owen went inside the establishment and asked for the menu but he had a hard time remembering what to do next.

Aye Approached Him


That was when Aye Thein, the restaurant owner, and manager, approached the distressed boy and asked him what she could do for him.

“I’m Hungry”


Owen told the kind manager, “I’m hungry.” When Aye looked at the boy, she could tell that he had special needs so she asked him what he wanted to eat to which Owen responded that he wanted to eat beef so Aye asked the chef to make him beef curry.

His Parents Came In


Owen’s parents were getting confused while waiting in the car as to what was taking him so long so they walked inside and saw their son eating.

Uncommon Kindness


Owen’s parents were moved by Aye’s kindness. His mom, Sandra Block, said, “That is just so uncommonly kind. Like how often can you imagine someone, you know I’m gonna cry thinking about it.”

A Buddhist Principle


Aye received a lot of praise when her story reached a lot of people, but she later explained that she was just practicing “Metta” which is a Buddhist principle that teaches people to spread loving-kindness to all.

Watch how Aye made an impactful act of kindness to Owen and his parents in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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