Sweet Little Boy Hugs Two Stray Dogs On His Way Home

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If only we all had hearts as big as this little boy’s, then the world would have been a much better place to live in.

Sad Life


Stray dogs do not have the same lucky life as house pets. Every single day of their lives, they have to fight for food and survival in harsh weather conditions.

Cruel People


These poor dogs even get too unlucky sometimes that they come across hateful people who hurt them and give them trouble as a form of entertainment.

A Home For Them


Although many kind-hearted people have opened shelters or taken stray dogs into their homes, the chance of getting bitten or dealing with unknown diseases they might be carrying is a risk someone must be willing to take in order to provide these poor animals a home.

On His Way To School

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A boy named Ibrahim was walking home from school in Grozny, Russia, when he was spotted doing a heartfelt gesture to two street dogs.

Huge Hugs

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While walking down the street to his home, Ibrahim stopped and gave the two dogs warm big hugs.

He Can’t Get Enough

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He got up and was about to leave but came back for another hug as if he couldn’t say goodbye to two best friends he instantly made in the past minute.

Someone’s Watching


Ibrahim probably didn’t care if someone was watching, but a resident in a nearby building saw it all, captured the touching event on video, and posted it online where Katerina, a good friend of Ibrahim’s family, saw it and talked about how “very kind” little Ibrahim is.

A Gentleman


Ibrahim goes to the same school as Katerina’s daughter. She said that the boy really has a selfless and loving spirit. She said, “He goes to school with my daughter and helps her carry her bag. He’s a very kind boy,” which goes to show that Ibrahim is not only that kind to stray dogs, but he’s also dear to everyone around him.

Watch the heart-melting moment when Ibrahim stopped walking to give two street dogs some huge hugs in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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