High School Football Teams Lead Fans In Post Game Prayer

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Persecution doesn’t win over prayer warriors.

A Prohibition


School officials in Putnam County, Tennessee, were told that district employees including teachers, staff, and coaches of athletic teams were not allowed to lead students in prayer.

Complaints About Praying


According to WZTV-TV in Nashville, Americans United for Separation of Church and State complained about praying and proselytizing at events at Cookeville and Upperman high schools in the Putnam Country School District.

The Conditions

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Administrators from the school district said, “We support the right of students to participate in and lead spontaneous prayers. That right is and will continue to be protected.” However, “faculty and staff members can not lead or participate in the spontaneous student-led prayers.”

Parents’ Reactions


Some parents saw this as a form of religious attack. One of them, named Dustin Whitefield, was diligent to still make room for praying during games, so he said, “Players that still want to pray will have to do it on their own.”

Supporting The Students


Dustin also said, “A group of parents will be going out on the field to support them. We will join hands and encircle them from a distance as a sign of protection and solidarity in choosing to continue to pray.”

A Remarkable Event


This incredible act of defying the rules took place during Upperman’s football game against Stone Memorial High School, specifically during the postgame festivities.

Act Of Solidarity

Facebook, Bob Vick

Local resident Bob Vick shared a photo on Facebook. The caption said, “…the threat of a legal action to forbid prayer after the game was overwhelmed by player lead prayer supported by parents and fans in solidarity on Overall Field.”

Not Backing Down

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Despite the law’s prohibition of teachers or coaches to lead prayer, the players’ faith does not look like they will back down anytime soon.

Watch the inspiring story of the high school football players in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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