Adorable Two-Year-Old Girl Shows Off Her Horse-Whispering Skills

It has always been fascinating to see the connection between people and animals.

Little Steps

A cute little girl was only a baby when she was first introduced to horses. Her mom said, “I think she was only a few weeks old when I took her and had her just see the horses. And from day one, she was just in love with them.”

Life With Horses

Surprisingly, the little girl did not show any fear toward the horses. In fact, her first instinct was to reach out her hand, grasp the horse’s face, and pull it close to her for a gentle kiss, and it’s become a habit ever since. She’s grown up surrounded by horses she loves, and they love her too! Young horses might be temperamental, but they always treat her with gentleness.

Everyday Visit


The sweet little girl loves spending time with their horses at the barn. She wants to visit them every day and spend time with them, hanging out and playing around. She not only loves to hang out with the horses, but she also loves taking care of them. In fact, she’s learned how to use a hoof pick and brush for their feet and tail.

Strict Supervisor

She also has strict standards for cleanliness in the barn. She immediately alerts the adults if she sees any droppings and demands that they clean them before doing any other activity. The barn has become her sanctuary. She’s always filled with joy and excitement whenever they’re visiting, and we’re sure the horses are also delighted whenever they see her.

Safety First

Her mom is also aware of the risks of letting her little daughter hang around horses whose behaviors are unpredictable so she sees to it that there’s always a supervising adult around to oversee and ensure her little girl’s safety around the horses.

Watch how this little girl became a “horse whisperer” in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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