Couple On Honeymoon Comes Across A Burning Building And Saves 20 Babies From Fire

YouTube, TODAY

You’ll never know what you’ll encounter during travel. One moment you’re sipping a nice drink at a nice restaurant, and later on, you’re saving 20 babies’ lives.

Meet David And Doran

YouTube, TODAY

Rhode Island couple David Squillante and Doran Smith were out of the country enjoying their honeymoon when they suddenly became heroes.

Late Honeymoon


The couple postponed their honeymoon for two years after their wedding because of the pandemic, and who knew it was perfect timing as they were about to save some lives while on their wedding party?

Out Of The Country


David and Doran were in Barcelona, enjoying an afternoon walking tour, when they came across a burning building.

There’s Fire


They noticed people looking up toward the balcony and yelling and panicking. Doran said, “I saw flame coming out of the doorway, next to the door that these women had come out of. So I said, ‘Oh my God, there’s a fire.'”

David Stepped In


David didn’t think twice and immediately ran toward the building, hoping to help put the fire out in any way he could, and that’s when he and his wife found 15 to 20 babies who were asleep in their cribs.

They Saved The Babies

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The couple took the infants and placed them in a rolling crib to wheel them out of the building. David said, “I just noticed that there were a bunch of babies sleeping in cots. They were ranging in age from newborns to 3 years old.”

People Came To Help

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More people also stepped in to help bring the babies to safety and put the fire out. Firemen and emergency personnel eventually arrived on the scene to handle the situation.

The Day Goes On

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David and Doran, on the other hand, went on to catch up with their tour and continue their honeymoon trip as if nothing happened. David said, “It doesn’t feel real at all. Every time I tell (the story), I’m like, ‘did that really happen?’. It felt like a movie scene. But we were happy to be in the right place at the right time.”

Watch how the lovely couple suddenly became heroes while they were on their honeymoon in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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