Homeless Woman Hired By Grocery Store After Sleeping In Their Parking Lot For A Year

Although it may not seem like it, life can change for the better in the blink of an eye.

LaShenda Williams Used to Spend the Night in a Kroger Parking Lot

She’d drive around her car to different locations around Nashville, Tennessee in the day and then sleep in the Kroger parking lot at night.

Her Life Was in Shambles

She had no job, no home to call her own, and was battling a drug addiction.

She Had to Make Sure to Keep Hidden

“I would lean my seat all the way back so no one would see me because, you know, I knew I wasn’t supposed to be there,” she explained.

The Store Manager Reached Out to LaShenda

Towards the end of last year, Manager Jackie Vandal informed LaShenda about an approaching job fair and suggested she attend.

With Jackie’s Help, LaShenda Completed an Application

The manager allowed LaShenda to plug in an old laptop she had to fill out the online application.

Jackie Hired Her on the Spot

After hours of filling out the application, Jackie officially hired LaShenda as a Kroger team member.

The Manager Has Nothing But Good Things to Say About Her

“She’s a fantastic worker, I wish I had 120 of her,” Jackie said.

The Corporate Affairs Manager Also Loves LaShenda

“We are so lucky to have Lashenda as part of our Kroger family. Her uplifting spirit is contagious. She has made such a positive impact on her fellow team members, and so many customers as well,” said Melissa Eads.

LaShenda’s Life Has Changed Drastically

Since being hired in December 2019, LaShenda now has her own apartment, has food on the table each day, and doesn’t have to worry about people harassing her as they did when she was on the streets. She’s now loved and appreciated and on the right track to a better life.

Kudos to LaShenda for being open to change!


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