It’s a common saying to never judge a book by its cover, and this is true when it comes to looking at homeless people.
Their Own Story
Homeless people have their own personal stories as to why they don’t have somewhere to live so it’s definitely wrong to assume that they’re happy to not have homes.
A Golden Heart
Jackie Vandal, manager of a Kroger store in East Nashville, demonstrated empathy to a homeless woman when she gave her a job.
Meet LaShenda
LaShenda Williams hit rock bottom because of addiction and abuse. She was forced out of her home, and she didn’t know how to get back on her feet.
Her Way Of Life
While she was homeless, she lived in her car and slept with the seat leaned back while in the car park, and hoped that she wouldn’t be spotted.
A Goal To Achieve
Despite her situation, LaShenda stayed positive and visited the Kroger store to tell Jackie that she planned to work there someday.
Changing Her Life
Jackie liked LaShenda’s attitude and offered her a job opening to apply to. Jackie said in an interview, “It was just a sense, a gut feeling. You can just tell when people are really genuine and people that you know are trying.”
An Asset To The Business
10 months later, LaShenda is still proving to be an asset to the business. Jackie said that LaShenda is not only really hard-working, but she also has a spirit that touches her life and other coworkers.
All For One
LaShenda now has her own apartment, which community members and coworkers helped to furnish.
Watch how Jackie became a channel of blessing to LaShenda in the video below.
Watch Video Here: