Widowed Woman Becomes Hiking Buddies With Friendly Great Dane

Life is so much happier when you walk your journey with loving friends.

Lovely Couple

A Great Dane named Kernel and his owner love going on walks in the woods. That’s where they met a lovely couple.

They Love Him

Kernel and his owner would often cross paths with the couple during their walks, and they were always smiling at the friendly doggo.

She’s Alone

One day, they saw the woman walking alone. They asked her where her husband, Cal, was, and that’s when she told them the sad news that he had passed away.

They Bonded

Since then, Kernel and his owner found it in their hearts to become “Nana’s” hiking buddies.

Part Of The Pack

Kernel’s owner owns an off-leash dog hiking company, and they would often invite Nana to join their walks.

She Loves Taking Photos

Nana has formed a special bond with Kernel, and being a former photographer, she loves taking photos of their walks together.

She Loves Her

Kernel’s owner is happy to have Nana around and she reminds him of her own grandparents and the grief she experienced when her mother passed away when she was in high school.

The “Pack Grandma”

Nana’s bond with Kernel grows deeper with each moment they shared together. She is now considered his “pack Grandma”.

Watch how Kernel became Nana’s hiking buddy in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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